WSC (fler länkar till fler tal längre ner)
You Do Your Worst -- And We Will Do Our Best - 14 July 1941, House of Commons
Never Give In, Never, Never, Never - 29 October 1941, Harrow School
The Price of Greatness is Responsibility - 1943, Harvard
Never Despair - 1 March 1955
1. Den Svenska (nästintill obefintliga) FÖRSVARSMAKTEN
- f.d. Krigsmakten, som inte ens kan försvara oss längre, än mindre föra krig
Försvarsmaktens egna publikationer
2009-05-15 Försvarsmakten i fickformat [pdf] http://www.forsvarsmakten.se/upload/dokumentfiler/publikationer/forsvarsmakten-i-fickformat.pdf
2007-09-25 ÖB Håkan Syrén, Både och - Ett insatsförsvar. Dubbla uppgifter [pdf]
2006-01-17 ÖB Håkan Syrén, Här och nu - en liten bok om den fortsatta vägen framåt
4. Winston Churchill
The Maiden Speech - 18 February 1901, House of Commons
Liberalism and Socialism - 4 May 1908, Kinnaird Hall, Dundee [ett par citat med typisk churchillsk vändning: "the "Times" is speechless, and takes three columns to express its speechlessness"; "thousands of people who never under any circumstances voted Liberal before are saying that under no circumstances will they ever vote Liberal again"]
The War - 5 June 1915, Dundee
Independence Day, July 4, 1918 [Read here]
- Bolshevism and Imperial Sedition - 4 November 1920, Canon Street Hotel, London
"Present Dangers of the Socialist Movement" - 7 May 1924, Sun Hall, Liverpool
- A Disarmament Fable - 24 October 1928, Aldersbrook
Munich - 5 October 1938, House of Commons
- The Defence of Freedom and Peace ("The Lights are going out") - 16 October 1938, Broadcast to the United States and London
- A Hush Over Europe - 8 August 1939
- War Speech - 3 September 1939, House of Commons
- Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat - 13 May 1940, First Speech to the House of Commons as Prime Minister
- Be Ye Men of Valour - 19 May 1940, First Broadcast on BBC as Prime Minister
- We Shall Fight on the Beaches - 4 June 1940, House of Commons
- TO THE PEOPLE OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Sept. 11, 1940 - 2 yrs since Munich Agreement [Read here]
- You Do Your Worst -- And We Will Do Our Best - 14 July 1941, House of Commons
- Never Give In, Never, Never, Never - 29 October 1941, Harrow School
- The Price of Greatness is Responsibility - 1943, Harvard
- The End of the War in Europe - 8 May 1945, Broadcast, London, and House of Commons
- Never Despair - 1 March 1955
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